Venison Backstrap Marinade – A Guide With Recipe

Venison Backstrap Marinade – A Guide With Recipe

Surprised to see a marinade recipe, and that too for venison backstrap? Well the times are changing and I thought maybe I should give my venison backstrap a little change as well!

Many people hold the opinion that venison backstrap naturally comes with tender texture, and that marinating this deer cut seems like a waste of time. However, I firmly believe that nothing goes in vain when marinating a meat cut.

In today’s article, I will be solely focusing on delivering a marinade recipe to my BBQ pals, and also its importance to convince some of the skeptical minds.

What Is A Venison Backstrap?

Venison backstrap, also known as Venison Lion, is one of the prime cuts obtained from a deer. Its is found above the ribs – running on either sides of the spine. Since this part of the deer is not involved in much movement, it doesn’t turn into a tough meat – hence known for its utmost tenderness.

Venison backstrap is often confused with Venison Tenderloin. Although these two cuts run parallel, tenderloin is found below the backstrap and insidethe ribs.

What Is A Venison Backstrap

Backstraps are a little tricky to cook. Though they are famously known for its tenderness, venison blackstrap, like any other cut, have the tendency to dry out if not cooked with proper instructions. Luckily, this is where the marinade comes in as the hero to save the backstrap from drying up, or does it? Let’s find it out!

What Is A Marinade?

Marinade is a mixture of ingredients like oil, vinegar, herbs and spices to make the meat super flavorful. Although the marinade tenderizes the meat to some extent, I believe it doesn’t really have strong impact on the meat as the tough connective tissue on the outside acts as a barrier and stops the marinade from penetrating.

What Is A Marinade

Marinades are best suitable for leaner cuts as they come with less flavor due to the lack of intramuscular fat – the fats really do give the meat some flavor. So, with the help of a good marinade, the venison backstrap knows how to enhance its flavor.

What Is A Good Marinade For Venison Backstrap?

Everyone has their own favorite marinade recipe. And I think it’s better to come up with your own marinade because only you know how you would like the venison to taste. I like to give a perfect balance of sweet and salt to my venison marinade.

Below written are the ingredients I use to make the marinade. This measurement is application for 2.5 pounds of venison backstrap.

  • 1 cup olive oil
  • ½ cup red wine vinegar
  • ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
  • ¾ cup soy sauce
  • 2 lemons squeezed
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley chopped
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar

Since the venison backstrap is already a tender cut, there is no point of tenderizing it. The sole purpose of marinating this cut is to bring out its flavor.

How To Marinade A Venison Backstrap       

Marinating is super easy. All you need is a deep tray to pour in your favorite sauces and liquids, and sprinkle some of the herbs and spices as well.

How To Marinade A Venison Backstrap       

This easy venison marinade recipe comes from a kitchen that has seen uncountable pile of dirty dishes and splash of sauces on the floor. But I wholly guarantee you that this marinade will make the venison even more delicious!

  • Thaw The Venison Backstrap

Before marinating the venison, always thaw it completely! I have heard people thawing it in a microwave, but please do not let your impatience ruin this beauty! I would recommend thawing it in the fridge and then taking it out when it’s not rigid like a rock anymore to get it back to room temperature.

  • Preparing The Marinade

Take a deep rectangular tray, and add all the ingredients I mentioned above. Mix it well, put the backstrap in it and refrigerate it. I would recommend soaking it overnight. However, if you are short on time then you can soak it for at least 4 hours.

  • Cooking The Venison Backstrap

After the backstrap has been soaked overnight, take it out and wait for it to reach room temperature. In the meantime, preheat the smoker or griller – depending on how you are planning to cook.

If you are smoking it, then check out one of my guide about smoked venison backstrap! It will surely come in handy.

Once the venison is at room temperature, place a pan on high flame and sear the meat with any cooking oil of your choice. Sear it for 1 to 2 minutes.

Now put the backstrap in the smoker/griller to get this deer cut cooked. I aim for medium-rare. It’s because this lean cut has the tendency of running dry if cooked for a long time. Wrap the backstrap for 10 minutes before serving and devouring this succulent meat!

Cooking The Venison Backstrap

Note: If you are not a fan of medium-rare and would prefer getting it more done, I would still advice you to take it out at medium-rare. The longer you cook it, the more it loses its moisture and becomes chewy.

However, you can wrap the meat for a longer period of time as the heat trapped inside cooks the meat from inside. The wrapped foil also acts as a barrier so you don’t have to worry about it losing the moisture.

Final Thoughts

This super easy venison marinade is not just made for deer cuts only. You can use it for any other meat! So, if this marinade for venison backstrap sounds enticing to you but you find yourself with no such cut, then you can use this marinade recipe on whatever meat you have at home.

Speaking of meats, it is crucial to keep in mind that all meats should not be treated in the same way. If you deal with venison like a beef or chicken, then you better say goodbye to all the hopes of getting a good result. So, if you are thinking of trying this marinade on beef, you better follow the instructions that will suit it best!

Rita Williams

Rita Williams

Hey, it’s me Rita! My love for BBQ began at an early age, learning the art of smoking meats from my dad in their small town in Texas. Weekends were filled with smoky aroma of brisket or ribs as family and friends gathered for backyard cookouts.

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